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METIS Scientist Receives Award

On the 11th and 12th of April, the "ENERDAY 2019 - 13th Conference on Energy Economics and Technology" took place in Dresden. Under the motto "Low-Carbon Energy System Transformation: Setting the Course for the Next Decade", scientists from theoretical and application-oriented fields were invited to critically examine the current state of energy systems transformation and the effectiveness of implemented and proposed market mechanisms.

METIS scientist Lars Nolting from the RWTH Aachen gave a lecture on the topic "Is the more complex model always the better one? Evidence from the assessment of security of electricity supply ", for which he received the "Best Scientific Presentation" award. The award is given by enerCONNECT e.V. and GEE e.V. and is associated with prize money of € 250.

Further information about the announcement and the ENERDAY 2019 on
