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Second Project Meeting

On the 1st of August the second METIS project meeting took place at the IEK-3 in Jülich.

Projectteam at second project meetingThe METIS project team in front of the IEK-3 at Forschungszentrum Jülich

During the second project meeting, the first preliminary results were exchanged and the next milestones defined. Furthermore, collaboration standards were established to ensure that the different work packages could be efficiently merged towards the end of the project. Additional, a work plan was defined to validate the developed methods on the high performance computers of the JSC within the timeframe of the project.

Last but not least, three publications were presented which were supported within the framework of the project. They deal with questions of complexity in energy system models [1], the complexity reduction [2], but also with the application-specific and mathematically demanding modelling of gas networks [3].

[1] Priesmann, J.; Nolting, L.; Praktiknjo, A. In Are Complex Energy System Models More Accurate? An Intra-Model Comparison Of Energy System Optimization Models, Local Energy, Global Markets, 42nd IAEE International Conference, May 29-June 1, 2019, 2019; International Association for Energy Economics: 2019.

[2] Kannengießer, T.; Hoffmann, M.; Kotzur, L.; Stenzel, P.; Schuetz, F.; Peters, K.; Nykamp, S.; Stolten, D.; Robinius, M., Reducing Computational Load for Mixed Integer Linear Programming: An Example for a District and an Island Energy System. Energies 2019, 12, (14), 2825.

[3] Reuß, M.; Welder, L.; Thürauf, J.; Linssen, J.; Grube, T.; Schewe, L.; Schmidt, M.; Stolten, D.; Robinius, M., Modeling Hydrogen Networks for Future Energy Systems: A Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Approaches. 2019.
